Our Products



Fire Sail

ID:Heat Block / Inferno Block Fire Sail
Heat block fire sail can block up to 96% of radiant heat to prevent fire from spreading. Inferno block fire sail can block flames and 80% of radiant heat for days to stop fire in its tracks. Ideal for spaces with wildfires, buildings and communities.
  • Bridgehill Fire Sail
    (Heat Block / Inferno Block)

    Product information

    Heat block fire sail

    Size/Weight: ±4 x 6 m  ±15 ㎏

    Main usage:blocks 96% of the radiant heat

    Inferno block fire sail

    Size/Weight: ±4 x 6 m  ±20 ㎏

    Main usage:blocks all flames and 80% of radiant heat

    How to use

